Zodiac Astrologie Premonition


not available

Your daily horoscope for free , this app provide you daily premonition , with some daily love advices .For love compatibility this application has a way to calculate the love rate of your lover just with his date of birth .
using a sun calculation and sun position Zodiac Astrologie Premonition is about 100% sur of all daily horoscope .
the astrology and horoscope in hindi is also given for free in the app .
knowing as the best horoscope the tarot or chinese horoscope are also available for free .
*** zodiac signs *** :♈︎ Aries♉︎ Taurus♊︎ Gemini♋︎ Cancer♌︎ Leo♍︎ Virgo♎︎ Libra♏︎ Scorpio♐︎ Sagittarius♑︎ Capricorn♒︎ Aquarius♓︎ Pisces
**Features**1. this app is Easy to use
2. this app is Lite
3. this app is Battery friendly
-----------UPCOMING FEATURES-----------
1. Tarot cards with horoscopes
2. Horoscopes matching
3. Astrology and horoscope in hindI